New Business Information
Thank you for your interest in opening a business in Cary. Depending on the type of business you are proposing to operate, there are various local requirements which should be completed in advance of your grand opening. Should you have questions specific to your business, please contact the Village’s Community Development Department. We’re here to help make the initial stages of opening your business as seamless as possible.

New Business Checklist
- Determine the zoning of your intended business location to ensure that your proposed business use is allowed.
- Complete the Certificate of Occupancy Application (PDF) and submit to the Village’s Community Development Department.
- Obtain all required building permits for any construction or alterations to the proposed business location.
- Obtain any required sign permits for all exterior signage associated with the business.
- Obtain any required local or state licenses related to the operation of the business. Licenses required by the Village of Cary for specific services include retail liquor sales, tobacco sales, video gaming, coin operated amusement devices, and massage establishments.
Sign Requirements
Permits are required for most exterior signs including wall, monument, projecting, canopy/awning, and banner signs. Temporary signs are allowed with the issuance of a building permit and can be displayed for a maximum of 30 days per calendar year. Certain sign types are considered exempt and do not require a permit.
Although a permit may not be required, the signs still have certain requirements that need to be adhered to. Window signs, for instance, are exempt but cannot exceed 20% of the window on which the sign is located. Additionally, A-Frame/Sidewalk Signs are permitted on private property and public right-of-way in the downtown B1 zoning district under certain conditions. Chapter 5 (Signs) of the Village’s Unified Development Ordinance provides specific guidance for the Village’s regulations. Please review prior to the installation of any signs and contact the Community Development Department at (847) 639-0003 should you have any questions.
Important Contact Information
Additional Resource Links
- Cary-Grove Chamber of Commerce
- Better Business Bureau
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- Illinois Department of Revenue (Business Registration)
- Illinois Department of Revenue (Sales Tax Information)
- Illinois Liquor Control Commission
- Internal Revenue Service / FEIN Numbers
- McHenry County Economic Development Corporation
- Naturally McHenry County